Why Use Video?

Did You Know…?
Marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users.
92 percent of mobile video viewers share videos with others.
46% of users act after viewing an ad.

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The way we communicate and consume information is constantly changing. Social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube are popular partly because of the accessibility to the latest news and personal networks. The most successful content marketers consistently deliver content through multiple channels of social media. Did you know that visual content is more than 40 times more likely to be shared than all-text content with all the content posted across these platforms. This increases with video. With 65% of SMEs and large organizations considering it the most engaging communication channel for their audiences, it is becoming an increasingly important part of the promotional artillery.

The question is–do you make the most of your social media video assets? With online videos accounting for more than 80% of all consumer internet traffic by 2019–you need to check your video marketing methods to see whether they are driving traffic and conversions. There are 3 good reasons for using video in your social media.

1. Grab Attention

Video is a fantastic tool to hook your audience. It is extremely easy to consume, unlike a long-winded paragraph or block of text. In this fast-paced world, we have information overload and only the most interesting content gets its way past our filters. With video you can capture people’s interest within seconds. You see, we automatically associate video with nighttime TV relaxation and entertainment. It provides a respite from the 9 -5pm workday. We tune in and our brain’s capacity for critical thinking takes a backseat as we passively watch the animation. This potentially powerful tool’s success lies in your ability to condense information down into easily digestible snippets of content that is long enough to maintain viewers’ attention but short enough to leave them wanting more.

2. Drive Conversions

No matter what social medium you post through, you should always have a target for your video. Whether you’re driving traffic to your site, buying a product or sharing your video, this typically involves user action. Your call to action with your audience is your online handshake. They’ve shown interest if they’ve watched a video all the way through. You must then direct them to take the desired action, something as simple as “to find out more about visiting here” may be all that’s needed. Getting compelling content is one thing, but driving conversions are critical.

3. Personalize your business

Videos are a great way for your followers to see the people and processes behind the business-contributing to the transparency of your brand. If you can humanize what you do after all companies do business with people, it’s a great illustration of the product. Videos from behind the scenes illustrate how you work and familiarize your product with the public, demonstrating how prospects should want to work with you. If you continue to post only business-related content, if your content is not diverse, human or entertaining enough, people who engage with you will begin to tune out.